7s & Double QPCs

PAX: Blue Mule, Reveille, Princess Aurora, Hambone, Bad Boy, Trapper Keeper, T-Cell, Voucher, Keep The Change

QIC: Hi-Viz

CONDITIONS: 73 and muggy. What else is new?


Mosey to the school’s front steps.

Good Mornings X 10 IC
Squats X 20 IC
Overhead Claps X 15 IC
Reverse LBACs X 15 IC

Mosey to the tennis court for a Quarter Pounder on the corners. Bear Crawl between each of the following:
25 Merkins
50 Mountain Climbers
75 LBCs
100 Plank Jacks
Plank and wait for the six.

Mosey up the hill and around to the side drop-off circle for 7s, It’s Jump Squats on one side of the circle and Burpees on the other. Plank and wait for the six.

We’ve got time, so mosey back to the tennis court for a reverse of the Quarter Pounder. Crawl Bear for extra measure.
100 Plank Jacks
75 LBCs
50 Mountain Climbers
25 Merkins
Plank and wait for the six.

Mosey to the parking lot.



-Friendly Friday is this week. Vector has the Q at Bomber. Would love to see a good crowd and some new faces, so let’s give it away and get those EHs going.
-Still time to get signed up for the TN Can Ruck. See PA for details.
-Sorry to hear Rev’s cousin faces more injuries than first thought. Keep her and the family in your prayers.

Excellent work this morning. Always good to spend time with you guys.

If you’re looking for a new podcast, I might suggest the F3 Podcast, which has recently — it seems — been relaunched. I’ve been listening to it during my morning commute and would definitely recommend it. A lot of good principles about leadership, integrity, and living beyond yourself, plus some practical advice on getting the most out of — and more importantly, giving your best to — F3 and the men in our community.

SYITG. Viz out.

DevilDog and Dew

Purple Cow-7/9/2018

Conditions: 70s and not very muggy, but a lot of dew on the ground

PAX: Offshore, Black Widow, Umbrella, Boone’s Farm, RedBag, Skinny Jeans (FNG courtesy of RedBag), Funyuns (QIC)

5:30 AM– Disclaimer, then mosey to untouched, pristine dew covered soccer field with coupons in tow. Set cones up 50 yards apart, drop coupons, and circle up.

Warmarama: SSH, BKs, BACs, SCs, BACs(r), GMs, Tempo Merkins, ASTs, Tempo Merkins, Supermans, Squats. All x 10 IC

Thang: Modified DevilDog and BOMBS

  • 8 exercises/movements, 100 yards for each movement
  • Exercises included: Burpee Broad Jump, Crab walk/Walk crab, Army crawl (crowd pleaser), Bear crawl/Crawl Bear, 60# SB toss, 40# SB overhead shuttle, 35# ruck shuttle (arms extended in front while holding ruck), 80# SB drag/pull
  • 5 burpees were performed before each movement
  • BOMBS (5 reps each of burpees, OH presses, Merkins, Big Boy sit-ups, Squats) approximately every 5 minutes and Q’s call

BOM/COT (after quick mosey back to BMS)

NM: PAX worked hard today. Everyone was covered in dew and grass, but still got after it. One of the many reasons why I love F3 is working out in different conditions and getting used to being uncomfortable. Not much mumble chatter today, but YHC did overhear Umbrella exclaim, “This is awesome!” while pulling the 80# SB. Great to have Skinny Jeans (RedBag EH) join us in the gloom. He is a dentist and  has a podcast named, “Millennial Dentist.” As always, a great pleasure to lead and workout with you gentleman.

Pray without ceasing and Rejoice in all things!



When: 7/9/2018

QIC: Grisham

The PAX: 21 men started the week off right.  Pax included:  Brother-at-law, CCR, Skid Mark, Vegemite, Edible Arrangement, PSL, Juan Valdez, Accounts Receivable, Lewd Wig, Holler back girl, A-Fib, Floppy Disk, Dine ‘n Dash, Too Tall, Black Lung, Big Perm, Reefer, Dilly Dilly, Doughnutz, Bagger Vance, Grisham

Beautiful morning. Low 70’s and not nearly as muggy as it has been.

Warm Up:

  • Ginder PT (SSH / Squats / SLDL / Lunges / Shoulder Circuit / Car. DD / ‘Mericans / Supermans / Sit-ups / Car. DD


Part I – Strength Work:

  • Every 2 min for 4 rounds – 8 HSPU / 8 V-ups
  • Grab a coupon. Partner up.

Part II – Metcon – TABATA:

  •  For this TABATA we did 20 sec of work, 10 sec rest, then partners flap jack
  • (1) Row / sit ups with coupons
  • (2) Pull ups / clean thrusters w/ coupon
  • (3) Box jumps / burpees over coupon
  • (4) Toes to Bar / KB swing w/ coupon
  • (5) ‘Mericans / Supermans

REturn Coupons and mossey to circle – American Hammers X 15 & REv. Crunches X 15


Great work this morning. Hope everyone has a great week.

Cruel Pony

Q: Vegemite, Hambone
Pax: Venus, Tinder, Brother-at-Law, Offshore, Frogger, Black Widow, Yard Sale, Accounts Receivable, PSL, Olan Mills, CAPS LOCK, Edible Arrangement, Holler Back Girl, Tiny Dancer, Captain Flatline

17 men posted at Cruel Hall to start the weekend off right.

WOR (Vegemite):
Mosey down the bus loop with lunges and some backwards running thrown in as we went up the hill. Circle up for:

* SSH x20 IC
* Hop Kicks x10 IC
* Slow and Low Squats x10 IC
* Good Mornings x10 IC
* Willie May Hayes x10 IC
* Slow and Low Merkins x10 IC
* Baby Arm Circles (Both Ways) x10 IC

Thang 1:
With help from Ginuwine’s Pony, partner 1 completed gallops around the outside school parking lot while partner 2 performed burpees. Once partner 1 returned from his ride, each partner flipped.

This was a repeat from Donuts’s version last week. We did this for 10 minutes, and my main contribution to this workout plan was to swap out the William Tell Overture for Pony. You’re welcome.

Pax mosied down to the swingset and performed 3 sets of:

Merkins IC X 12
Low Flutter IC X 20
Mountain Climbers X 15 IC

Pax mosied to the playground to do 3 sets of:
Pull ups to failure
5 partner-assisted pull ups

Merkins X 10 IC
Bridge 30 seconds

Pax mosied to the parking lot to do a modified version of sevens–threes! Two burpees, sprint down, one burpee, sprint back, one burpee, sprint down, two burpees, sprint back.


Awesome work at Cruel Hall. Truly my (Hambone) first post at the AO and it didn’t disappoint. Strong pax, strong area.

I have to admit I was a little embarrassed galloping down the sidewalk with cars passing, but I guess it’s not the craziest thing F3 does in public.

Stonewall (aka stoneboots, aka smokewall)

10 pax came out for a fun Q and took advantage of a relative break in the summer heat, followed by some great fellowship at the coffeeteria at Portland Brew, one of my favorite parts of the week, every time I can make it.

Q: Black Lung
Pax: Skidmark, Cowboy, Hambone, Blue Mule, Brother-at-law, Tampa Libra, Bad Boy, Popalock, and Dean Spitz

Coffeteeria: Black Lung, Skidmark, Cowboy, Hambone, Blue Mule

SSH x25
Good Morning x10
Willie May Hays x 10
Squats x 40
Slow and low merkins x 10

Mosey north on 12th
Stop in Portland Brew parking lot for:
8 count bodybuilders x 20
Squats x 40
Dips x 20

Mosey north on 12th to the base of the beastly hill at the base of Ashwood Avenue for Hill Sprints/Climbs. Given the running heavy components of the last two Stonewall workouts, it is somewhere along this route that Popalock begins to propose new names for Stonewall, like stoneboots, or smokewall.

The Thang:
#) 60 seconds of AMRAP merkins, sprint up the hill, SSH x 15 and mosey back
#) 60 seconds of AMRAP LBCs, sprint up the hills, SSH x 20 and mosey back
#) 120 seconds of AMRAP squats, lunges to 2nd utility pole, bear climb to 3rd pole, SSH x 15, mosey back
#) 120 seconds of AMRAP WWI sit-ups, lunges to 2nd utility pole, bear climb to 3rd pole, burpee broad jump to 4th pole, SSH x 15, mosey back
#) 60 seconds of AMRAP flutter kicks, sprint up the hill, SSH x15, and start mosey down the hill and south on 12th

Mosey back down 12th to Sevier park with a quick stop at a parking lot halfway back for 60 seconds of AMRAP werkins;

Arrive in Sevier Park parking lot with just enough time for 10 burpees OYO, and 10 Good Mornings.

Thanks to the PAX for bearing with me on a tough, run-heavy Q with only a low level of grumbling.

Sparks Fly at The Forge

7 PAX in Attendance: Barney Fievel, NumbTucks, MRSA, CheezWhiz, Aunt Bea, Tebow & 3rd Degree (QiC)

Warm up lap 3/4 around NHS Track


  • 25 SSH
  • 25 Tempo Squats
  • 26 (2 per 4 count Cadence for 13 reps) Merkins IC
  • 12.5 LBACs forward and 12.5 Reversed
  • 25 seconds of GM

Start of The Thang:

10 burpees on the minute for 10 minutes, nice and warm now! Slowsy to the other side of the track for…



  • Clap Merkins
  • Floating Starfish

MOT: Run across Football field Sideline to Sideline

After that…


Bear crawl and then crawl-bear Sprints from endzone to 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 yardlines with Burpee Speedbumps at every 10 yard mark 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 all set to the 8:16 minutes:seconds of Stairway to Heaven. It rocked! YOU TRY IT!


Royal Burpees around the insignia at half-field

7 of each burpee called

We did: Turk n’ Burps, 360* Burpees (aka Tony Hawks), & Barrel Roll Burpees

Last but not least, some AYG Sprints x 3 sideline to sideline and 1 from endzone to endzone

Great work today men, total sweat-fest. F3Nolensville is getting stronger!


  • Pray for Barney and his family as they welcome another 2.0 any day now (Patience, peace, strength and health)
  • Pray for Hard season for NumbTucks’ family.
  • Pray for CheezWhiz and Ragdoll as their business rolls out new stuff and CheezeWhiz is remodeling a home
  • Make sure we put others (families) before ourselves. We are to be servant-leaders. Weekends are not for us to serve ourselves.
  • 1 Corinthians 16:13-14 “Be on your guard, stand firm in the faith, be men of courage, be strong. Whatever you do, do in love.”
  • Thankful to Tebow for the Iced Coffee (not ColdBrew…get it right!) Our coffeeteria went for 40 minutes. Love it!

Love getting to lead these HIMs.

Until next time,

3D, out!

Ultimate Thursday

PAX: Frugal Macdoogal (QIC), Skidmark, Shocker, Hot N Ready, Keep the Change, Princess Aurora, Hambone, T-Cell, Vegemite, En Fuego, Prevac, Yard Sale, Porcelain, Firefox, Tampa Libra, Diffuser (FNG), Rocksteady (FNG)

17 PAX rolled up on a humid morning to sweat off their July 4th endeavors with a friendly game of ultimate frisbee, F3 approved.

Here’s what went down:

Disclaimer then mosey up to the football field.


SSH x 10, GM x 10, WMH x 10, FBAC x 10, RBAC x 10, Overhead Claps x 10, Seal Claps x 10, Merkins x 10, Squats x 10

The Thang:

We broke off into two teams – the West Side vs. The Shire for a game of ultimate frisbee with a little added F3 fun.   If a team scores, the scoring team does 20 squats and the team that gave up the score does 20 merkins.  Also, every 5 minutes QIC would stop the game and we would all do 5 burpees.  In addition, every time a team turned the frisbee over, they would do an up-down.  We played on the entire football field which made for plenty of running.

The men of the West Side came strong in numbers and skills to take on the home standing guys from The Shire.  Unfortunately for the good guys, the West Side defeated the Shire 6-4.

We ended the morning with an AYG sprint – The Shire x 100 yards, West Side x 50 yards.


It was a fun morning and hoping that this becomes a regular occurrence.

Till Next Time,


Conn School field trip Senioritis

70ish F and some clouds.  16 for Bomber class field trip to Conn school in Richland Park.  T-claps to our pre-ruckers PA and Hi-viz (am I missing one?).  Q-Porcelain Pax-Princess Aurora, Hi-viz, Right Said, Crab Legs, Vector, Cut Throat, Harvey Updike, Reveille, 3rd Person, Lemon, Bicentennial Man, Firefox, T-cell, Bad Boy, and Pop-a-lock.

Warmarama: 20xSSH, 20xwillie Mayes Hayes (after Q forgot the name), 10xgood mornings.

The thang: Had 12 books still on the ledge after no one raised their hand for sub-6 min mile runners.  Sub-7 minute milers grabbed a large text book.  Sub-8 runners grabbed a medium text book.  Remaining text books grabbed by the rest.  Mosey due north up 48th Ave N to Richland Park.  Speed bump of 5 burpees and alternating shoulder taps over the around 3/4 mile.   At the playground went into a quick setup and explanation of the circuit that would executed one by one starting with the first activity as the timer a run uphill up the Conn school steps and back 1:30 run for most.  Stations were marked with numbered Comic Sans font paper signs and kept in place by the carried books.  Moleskin: comic sans font to celebrate comic sans day.  No kidding, couldn’t find a Star Trek reference for today.  Conn!

Other stations:

Crunchy happy bench frogs

LT Dans


Curb calf raises


Hanging row

Hanging Knees to chest


Picnic table exaggerated leg raises

Picnic table Step ups


Completed a full round before regrouping with books, grabbing water at the fountain, then racing at own fastest pace back to the rally point at McCabe for Mary.

Mary: Fastest group planked each arm then held 6 inch flutter kick position then roll backs as the six arrived.  Flutter kicks x 20.  Dixie stampede counted off by 2’s then alternating elevated or low hello dollies for 40 with transitions every 10.

COT: Thanks from YHC for you guys keeping me sane through grad school.  I have wicked senioritis.  Avoiding writing my final paper now.  Prayers for Reveille’s cousin that is recovering from being hit by a car.

III Pillars – 07.03.18 – “Smash and Dash”

‘Twas another beautiful sunrise at the St. Paul Christian Academy field, a perfect backdrop for the 8 PAX working on their motors and evasive maneuvers.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: En Fuego, Boone’s Farm, Keep the Change, General Mills (FNG), Vegemite, Hambone, Leatherneck


Having just come in hot from prep work at the field, YHC jumped out of the car, gave a quick disclaimer, and led the PAX on a medium mosey to and around the track, stopping in the center for a COP:

  • SSH x 20
  • Kang Squats x 15
  • LBAC F/R/F x 10/20/10
  • Cherry Pickers x 30

Hop on over to the starting point of today’s agility course and form a line. From your knees, jump up and run the following cone snake pattern:

  • Forward 3 yards to first cone
  • Shuffle 3 yards left to next cone
  • Forward
  • Shuffle right
  • Forward
  • Shuffle left
  • Forward
  • Shuffle right
  • Sprint 30 yards to the last cone
  • 10 Hand Release Clerkins
  • Sprint back to the start point.

Man behind you starts when you hit the second cone. After final sprint, rest until next man finishes his round. RnR for 5 total rounds.

For the next agility drill, it was diagonal runs down and back through the cone course. When not running the course, you’re squatting. RnR for 3 rounds.

Mosey over to side entrance of the track. This is a short but steep hill, and, having experienced the burn of backpedaling up steep hills with Floppy at Sir E, I knew what I was subjecting the PAX to this morning. 11’s starting with 10 Jump Squats at the bottom, backpedal to the top, 1 Glute Bridge. It was brutal.

Gather the PAX over at the playground for some Bell Cow action. There were 8 cones left in the middle of the field, so one person calls an exercise for the group and sprints to retrieve one cone. RnR until all cones are back. Among the exercises were Dry Docks, Squats, and Table Tops.

Mosey back to cars for COT/BOM


  • Welcome to Brad Mills aka General Mills, brother-in-law to En Fuego, and Knoxvillian. He’s going to be excited when he posts in Knoxville and finds out how easy it is.
  • Kotters to Leatherneck. It was good to have him back out, and he hasn’t lost a step.
  • Methinks some more combine Qs are in the future for III Pillars. All of you, especially you West End/Green Hills guys, be sure to check this AO out.


  • First Friday Lunch at The Cookery at 11:30 tomorrow, July 6.
  • Friendly Friday next Friday the 13th at our Friday AOs.
  • Warpath, Franklin’s quarterly CSAUP, on July 21 from 5-9 down in Franklin.
  • TN CAN RUCK, which combines our monthly 3rd F service opportunity with 2nd F and CSAUP events , is on July 21 from 2pm until we’re done (4-5 hours expected). Come ruck, drink, and serve to support hungry families across Middle Tennessee. Look for promo opportunities over the next two weeks at supporting breweries. If you’re planning to come and haven’t signed up, please do me a favor and register here so I can throw these numbers out to our stops: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Q4kQjkyLPhyfR9ofdigkMYoRMXTLTpsmATTMrJsbRrg/edit
  • Prayers for healing and comfort for those families experience injury, disease, and loss this summer and praises for the good things we’re seeing around us. It’s a blessing to have so many people praying for others; let’s not underestimate its power.

PA out.

Independence is taking the land

  1. ~80F and sunny and heating up during the workout.  0530 start.  Q’s: Porcelain, Big Bang, and Funyuns. Pax: Rocket League, 3rd degree, Vegemite, Torch, Offshore, Crab Legs, Hi-viz, Black Lung, Bicentennial man, Right said, Casual Friday, Frugal Mcdougal, Robin Hood, 3rd person, Waterboy, POP-a-lock, Hambone, Harvey Updike, Princess Aurora, Red Skull, Ebola, Hot & Ready, Razor.  27 total.
  2. Warmarama: circled up behind the statue.  No FNGs but read disclaimer verbatim because this was going to be CSAUP (counts for Ironclad?).  Q’d up the music for Sally (play Moby “Flower”) to warm up, Q’d by “up”-stand, “down”-thighs parallel, “ground”-deep squat.  Great hip opener warmup.  13 reps each (get it?)- SSH, LBCs(fwd-reverse), overhead arm claps, merkins.

The thang-counted off 1s and 2s to form 2 groups.  Indian run in these groups about 1/2 mile with shovel flags to the sand volleyball court.  YHC had pre-staged necessary equipment to claim around 1776 lbs of sand in two different cubic yard nylon sacks.  (100#/ft3 for sand 3ftx3ftx~2ft high).  Bottoms of sacks were already secure.  Items that could be used to execute this task were 4~10foot steel poles, 2-shovel flags, 2-reusable grocery bags, 2-garbage bags, 1-lap counter, 1-20oz cup, 1-banana, and 2-oranges.  Designated the youngest pax (Harvey Updike and Rocket League-great work men!) on each team to lead the group in filling the bags then lifting them to move them around a quarter mile to the Parthenon.  Raise over head 13 times for the original 13 colonies.  Claiming the ground and raising it for a democratic constitutional republic.  Bags were filled quickly even with those not involved in filling doing Lt Dan with the flags.  Test lifts were conducted during filling for safety and YHC called the bags full enough at a bit more than half way.

Moleskin break: two sacks were used because the number 2 is very involved with our independence.  Only 2 men actually signed the Declaration of Independence on the 4th of July (John Hancock and Charles Thomson).  The vote for independence by the Second Continental Congress actually took place on the 2nd of July 1776.  Most of the signers of the Declaration did so on August 2nd.  Q audibled to only go to the front of the Parthenon where we were met by a loyal Nashville police officer.  YHC’s stinky sweat got close but still managed to convince the officer      we were not a threat but completely stupid.  When we tried to EH the officer before he left he invited us to go to a gym to spar with him.  I’m game!

T-claps to Big Bang not only did my co-q have the next activity fully Q’d up great with co-q Funyuns but Big Bang had me having flashbacks to a rather large log from Grow Ruck as he helped to organize and call the lifts for team 2.

Bags returned to volleyball court.  Around a half mile total movement with bags.  released bags at 0630 to turn Q duties over to Big Bang.

Moseyed back to statue.  Big Bang explained the 1776 Devildog shown in the pic.  Buddy teamed up and started with 76 burpee but in.  Then moving back and forth 50 yards out and back with partner picking one of the 17.

Moleskin freedom was the partial railroad tie drag Big Bang pictured prior to workout.  Sandbags here were at least 60 and 80 lbs.  Farmers carry 2×30# dumbbells.

Great work staying hydrated and thanks for the bagels Robin Hood.

Big Bang rallied everyone in a circle at 0725 for the 76 burpee buy out.  Most were close to complete.

Announcements: warpath and tin can ruck on 21 July.  Note cans will not pack as tight and are mostly water (62#/ft3)  so cans will be half the weight (scaling as necessary).

COT by Funyuns.  Thanks to those that have fought for our freedom in many ways.  Prayers for Spicoli.  Get out for Team Job bbq tonight if you can!