12 PAX join in on the dance this morning at F3Nolensville including:
Numbtucks, Nimbus 2000, Creeper, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Netflix, A-bomb, Pope, Show Me, HushPuppy, Rag Doll (FNG), CheezWhiz (FNG) and 3rd Degree (QiC)
A beautiful start to the morning as we congregate in the morning light. 5:30? Let’s roll!
Warm up lap around the parking lot to catch any stragglers and deliver the disclaimer, then circle up for Side Straddle Hops (SSH) x15 In Cadence (IC), Claps x10 IC, Little Baby Arm Circles (LBAC) Forward with 4 counts of Big Arm Circles (BACs) x10, Repeat in Reverse, 10 Tempo Merkins, 10 Tempo Squats, Good Mornings On Your Own (OYO) to get our minds right.
Mosey to the Football Field, HushPuppy comes into the fray.
Explain Tabata (20 seconds maximal effort of whatever is called, followed by 10 seconds rest) Outline: Sprint, rest, Exercise, rest, back to Sprinting toward the original side of the field, etc. Rinse and Repeat as indicated with 10-15 count in-between as called by Q.
We did: SSH, Merkins, Big Boy Situps, Squats to Tabata Songs Playlist played through BT speaker carried back and forth across the field with Q.
Playlist: UpTown Funk, Back in Black, Still Dre, Smells like Teen Spirit, Rocky theme music (20 minute total of Tabata)
I was kind of upset that no merlot was yet spilled, and was determined it not be me, though I was close…
Mosey to the Swing set for Speedometer of 4 exercises. 3 PAX perform 15 Inch Worms (Feet in swing while in High Plank, draw knees to chest and back out = 1) as the speedometer, while the other 3 groups of 3 PAX each perform either Derkins (decline Merkins), Squats, or Mtn. Climbers.
All in? Good…
Now, it’s kind of my thing…Bear Crawl the long Bridge. Steel Yourself! Then Crawl Bear back across..Feel the burn! LBC or SSH for the 6.
To the Parking Lot for Circle of Trust (CoT) with countorama, nameorama, Christening of Rag Doll and CheezWhiz (FNGs) and kneel to shout out.
Announcements: F3Dads sign up deadline is approaching, get it in!
Great job EH’ing guys and for continuing to show up and work hard. Proud to be a part…3D Out!