Mr. Roboto’s VQ

PAX: Schnitzel, Aristotle, Yosef, Iditarod, Mr. Roboto (QIC)

Mosey for a while then circle up for warm ups. Then the partner routine which included one partner running two laps around the square while the other started 50 Burpees, 100 overhand claps, 150 Merkins, and 200 squats alternating til all reps complete. Then we did 11’s. 10 squats 1 burpee, 9 squats 2 burpees…etc while lunges in between each exercise from curb to curb. Ended with around the world with your favorite exercise for the last 5 minutes or so.


Bullhorn: Join Iditarod for the special kids 5k/15k if you want to give a race a whirl.