QIC: GreaseTrap
Pax: Black Water, Accounts Receivable, Yard Sale, PSL, Ccr, Floppy, Black Widow, Calf killa, CAPSLOCK, NumbTucks, Lewd Wig, BV, and GreaseTrap
13 faithful men showed up to prove they were not scared of the cold. 34 degrees
Here is what we did:
Warm up:
Big loop around the school
Lunges to second speed bump
Side shuffle next two
Circle up
We did a number of SSH, GMs, WMH, then tempo squats (ass below knees), and Merkins.
Grab either weight or coupon and head to pavilion.
12 min AMRAP
2 thrusters with coupon
2 front squats with coupon
2 step ups with coupon
Run to bottom of Hill and back
Then do 4 of each exercise then bottom of Hill and back
Then 6,8,10 and so on till time was up
10 min AMRAP
Partner push ups
P1 does push ups with coupon on back while P2 in squat position. Swap back and forth. Strong emphasis on chest touching ground and elbows locked out at top. Floppy and I got 120 and we were smoked!
10 min AMRAP
Lunge to other end of pavilion 10 jump squats then back at other end with 10 burpees. For lunges emphasis on hands above head and knee touching ground
Time was almost up so back to COT for some Good mornings and WMH which was a beautiful thing.
Great workout today guys!