The Knoll – Backblast 06.22.2023

Gloom: 11/10
PAX: The Banker, Ranger, Sooie, Bumblebee, Morning Star, El Capitan, Timber
QIC: Detective Pikachu
Theme: Introduction to Rugby, Bellevue Edition

Warmarama: 6 will be 1st, 1st will be 2nd run around The Loop, passing the rugby ball back to the man behind you, until it got to the 6. The 6 sprinted up and repeato. Every dropped ball = 5 merkins. Ball dropped 5 times on the Loop
At StartEx, 25 Low and Slow Squats, and PAX stretch OYO

Thang: Rugby Drills
Thang 1: Square Passing Drill
Thang 2: 3-Line Passing Drill
Thang 2.1: 3-Line with QIC as Defender
Thang 2.2: 3-Line with QIC and Bumblebee as Defenders
Thang 3: Quick primer on the Foot part of Rugby Football
Thang 4: 10 Minutes of Touch

COT: Keep the soon-to-be First Time Fathers in your prayers (and their wives, too, I guess).

Announcements: Brew Ruck on Saturday. Check slack for details. Come out for all or part of it and drink some beers with us.

Moleskin: Thanks for having me out to Nashville’s Newest AO. Y’all have a great spot with plenty of possibilities, and a fantastic AOQ in Morning Star leading the charge. It was my pleasure to work out with y’all this AM.
DP Out

Devil’s Den – 02.15.2023 – Dropped Balls

Title: The Calm Before The Storms, or
Rugby Without Any Tackling And Plenty of Dropped Balls
PAX: Skeet, Backrow Bits, Linus, McAfee
QIC: Detective Pikachu
Gloom: Yes

Warmarama: 6 will be 1st, 1st will be 2nd over to Local Parking Lot
10 Merkins to warm our arms up

Thang: Rugby drills
We learned how to pass
We learned how to defend
We learned how to kick (sort of. QIC promises the ball will be more inflated next time)

We ran a lot

We did a lot of merkins (penalty for the ball hitting the ground)
We did some squats (after QIC’s arms got too tired)
We did more merkins (after QIC’s arms rested enough)

Moleskin: it doesn’t have to be an absolute beatdown to be a fun workout. #moresportslessburpees