Slow down

AO: the-knoll
Q: Timber
PAX: Siri, FLO, morning stār, The Merchant, G-string, Ex-Pat, The Banker, Pebbles, Timber, Sooie, matthew hayes, Lunch Lady, Bumblebee (2.0), Fish Biscuit (2.0), Tonks (2.0)
FNGs: None






Goals and grace

AO: the-knoll
Q: morning star
PAX: Sooie, AAA, Pebbles, El Capitan, morning star, DB, Bumble bee (2.0). Big red (2.0), Tonk (2.0), Fish biscuit (2.0)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 40’s with a hint of spring

YHC and Bumble bee were late … thanks to the PAX for starting the warm up as we showed up.

WARMUP: whatever the PAX did before YHC showed up, followed by: motivator (6 to 1), hard style low slow squats, lazy imperial walkers.

Instructions/set up for the thang: pick a weight if you like … this is an auto-regulated workout … two transition signs to pay attention to: you lose power or feel stiffness in your body or you can’t talk in complete sentences … if you experience one of those drop your weight and do jumps without it or do SSH if you’re working without a weight.

THE THANG: 20 sets of 11 seconds of jump squats (with or without the weight) followed by 49 seconds of active recovery (fast and loose drills; keep moving).

YHC encouraged the PAX to practice appreciation using the GAMES method:
G – gratitude: think of something you’re thankful for right now
A – anticipation: what are you looking forward to?
M – memories: what’s a time in the past you experienced joy?
E – experiences: what’s something you can do to create some relational joy?
S – singing: hum a tune, sing a song ..

We got to memories.

Took a detour before we finished to organize a search party for Bumble bee. We found him at the backstop pretty shaken up. YHC got to practice helping him get back to joy using what I’ve recently learned: VCR (validate, comfort, recover). PAX kept working with the weight ball during this time.

Finished the 20 rounds.

MARY: led by Sooie … flutter kicks, heel touches, something else and breath work.

MOLESKIN: YHC shared about a big goal I went after last year: simple timeless. 10 sets of 10 single arm kettle bell swings followed by 10 turkish getups with a 71lb kettle bell, autoregulated by the talk test.

YHC started with a 30# KB and insured my shoulder. Since then I’ve realized that my approach towards this goal was going to be long and with some detours to strengthen my core, reflexive strength, etc. Now I’m doing things like head nods, crawling, rocking, rolling. This is completely different than swinging or lifting a kettle bell. However, this is my path way towards my goal.

The takeaways:
1 – what big goal are you going for?
2 – give yourself freedom and grace to enjoy the journey and accept that the journey may be different than you imagined

Shared prayer requests and appreciations and YHC took PAX out with a prayer.

Followed by some great conversation around Sooie Brewie.

YCH appreciates this space, you men (and your 2.0s) and the grace and encouragement we offer one another.

Great to see Tonk and Fish biscuit out with us again!

-m out!