VJ-Lo Day

70F clear and gloomy.  QIC: Porcelain.  Pax: Bagger Vance, hambone, blue mule, plinko, hail state, studio 42, Harvey Updike, Crab Legs, Trapper Keeper, Hawkeye, DaVinci, Reveille, Hi-Viz, Right Said, Crawl Space, Vinyl Signs, BnB

Disclaimer into a quick mosey to the field south of the Parthenon.  Warmarama: 20 don quixotes, 20 ssh, 15 slow and low squats, 15 slow and low merkins, 10 mountain climbers.

The thang: Indian run half mile for Indian Independence Day was but a ruse/setup for the main event.  The Japanese surrendered on the 14th by telegraph but it was not announced to the world until the 15th of August.  Moleskin YHC could not have scheduled better pax numbers.  Shortest to the front of the Indian line to break into even height groups of 6 for the 3 picnic tables.  We won the pacific campaign by an island hopping strategy.

Pinewood Derby Island Hopping campaign: Lift practice 10 ground to overhead.  Travel ~100m with table to different islands (trees) around the south field.  Island 1: Each table Group reps- 48 shoulder to overhead.  Plank for the 6 table.  Island 2: each pax oyo 20 each leg Bulgarian split squat using table bench then 20 air squats, hold low squat for 6.  Island 3: oyo 20 derkins then 20 burpees, plank for the 6.  Island 4: 48 bent table rows as a team then 20 oyo Carolina dry dock.   Island 5: 48 exaggerated leg raises off side of table oyo then 20 crunchy happy frogs off side of table.  Island 6: returned to home base 48 step ups oyo 10 Lt dans oyo.  Moleskin YHC was prepared to talk with the grounds keeper that drove past us but he did not stop.

Mary: Moved to edge of south field and got on line facing the shovel flag 100m opposite of us on the other side of the field.  Vacuum cleaners- wheelbarrow 10 steps then 5 derkins, each buddy 10 j-los then flap jack.  Repeated until time with most pax 2/3 of the way across the field.

COT: always fun seeing BV especially with kotters for hail state. Q calendar is looking sparse at time looking for pax to step up.  I pray we never have a total war like WWII ever again.  6 for coffee at three brothers.


Mary’s Ugly Sister Dora

70F and clear.  The true gloom is starting to return to 0530.  The challenge is keeping it going through below 40F and rainy/snowy.  18 brave pax there to meet the challenge.  Porcelain (YHC Q), Blue Mule, Hambone, Studio 42, ABC, TK, Harvey Updike, Rocket League, Crab Legs, T-cell, bicentennial man, hi-viz, crawl space, Huggy, DaVinci(FNG), Reveille, Right Said, Stang.

warmarama: slaughter starter mosey 1/2 mile with stops every 200m for 10 burpees.  Circled up at playground: Don quixotes x10, ssh x20, low and slow squats x15

the thang: buddy up for Dora mod.  Partners could start at any workout. Running route around the art center.

50-pull-ups with knees to chest


150-picnic table step ups

alternating planks for 6 then mosey to the green for extended Mary.  3 orange cones (not placed by Q) there worked out perfect for group on line sprints about 20m with a called an ab exercise for 10 reps called out by each pax working down the line before each sprint then a new ab exercise.  Some of the exercises were: v-ups, leg raises, alternating Superman, burpees, Freddy Mercury x2, American hammer, lbcs, ww1s, inverted crunch, flutter kicks, plank, j-los, the alphabet, crunchy happy frogs

cot: glad to have another FNG DaVinci running strong with the team.


Conn School field trip Senioritis

70ish F and some clouds.  16 for Bomber class field trip to Conn school in Richland Park.  T-claps to our pre-ruckers PA and Hi-viz (am I missing one?).  Q-Porcelain Pax-Princess Aurora, Hi-viz, Right Said, Crab Legs, Vector, Cut Throat, Harvey Updike, Reveille, 3rd Person, Lemon, Bicentennial Man, Firefox, T-cell, Bad Boy, and Pop-a-lock.

Warmarama: 20xSSH, 20xwillie Mayes Hayes (after Q forgot the name), 10xgood mornings.

The thang: Had 12 books still on the ledge after no one raised their hand for sub-6 min mile runners.  Sub-7 minute milers grabbed a large text book.  Sub-8 runners grabbed a medium text book.  Remaining text books grabbed by the rest.  Mosey due north up 48th Ave N to Richland Park.  Speed bump of 5 burpees and alternating shoulder taps over the around 3/4 mile.   At the playground went into a quick setup and explanation of the circuit that would executed one by one starting with the first activity as the timer a run uphill up the Conn school steps and back 1:30 run for most.  Stations were marked with numbered Comic Sans font paper signs and kept in place by the carried books.  Moleskin: comic sans font to celebrate comic sans day.  No kidding, couldn’t find a Star Trek reference for today.  Conn!

Other stations:

Crunchy happy bench frogs

LT Dans


Curb calf raises


Hanging row

Hanging Knees to chest


Picnic table exaggerated leg raises

Picnic table Step ups


Completed a full round before regrouping with books, grabbing water at the fountain, then racing at own fastest pace back to the rally point at McCabe for Mary.

Mary: Fastest group planked each arm then held 6 inch flutter kick position then roll backs as the six arrived.  Flutter kicks x 20.  Dixie stampede counted off by 2’s then alternating elevated or low hello dollies for 40 with transitions every 10.

COT: Thanks from YHC for you guys keeping me sane through grad school.  I have wicked senioritis.  Avoiding writing my final paper now.  Prayers for Reveille’s cousin that is recovering from being hit by a car.

Independence is taking the land

  1. ~80F and sunny and heating up during the workout.  0530 start.  Q’s: Porcelain, Big Bang, and Funyuns. Pax: Rocket League, 3rd degree, Vegemite, Torch, Offshore, Crab Legs, Hi-viz, Black Lung, Bicentennial man, Right said, Casual Friday, Frugal Mcdougal, Robin Hood, 3rd person, Waterboy, POP-a-lock, Hambone, Harvey Updike, Princess Aurora, Red Skull, Ebola, Hot & Ready, Razor.  27 total.
  2. Warmarama: circled up behind the statue.  No FNGs but read disclaimer verbatim because this was going to be CSAUP (counts for Ironclad?).  Q’d up the music for Sally (play Moby “Flower”) to warm up, Q’d by “up”-stand, “down”-thighs parallel, “ground”-deep squat.  Great hip opener warmup.  13 reps each (get it?)- SSH, LBCs(fwd-reverse), overhead arm claps, merkins.

The thang-counted off 1s and 2s to form 2 groups.  Indian run in these groups about 1/2 mile with shovel flags to the sand volleyball court.  YHC had pre-staged necessary equipment to claim around 1776 lbs of sand in two different cubic yard nylon sacks.  (100#/ft3 for sand 3ftx3ftx~2ft high).  Bottoms of sacks were already secure.  Items that could be used to execute this task were 4~10foot steel poles, 2-shovel flags, 2-reusable grocery bags, 2-garbage bags, 1-lap counter, 1-20oz cup, 1-banana, and 2-oranges.  Designated the youngest pax (Harvey Updike and Rocket League-great work men!) on each team to lead the group in filling the bags then lifting them to move them around a quarter mile to the Parthenon.  Raise over head 13 times for the original 13 colonies.  Claiming the ground and raising it for a democratic constitutional republic.  Bags were filled quickly even with those not involved in filling doing Lt Dan with the flags.  Test lifts were conducted during filling for safety and YHC called the bags full enough at a bit more than half way.

Moleskin break: two sacks were used because the number 2 is very involved with our independence.  Only 2 men actually signed the Declaration of Independence on the 4th of July (John Hancock and Charles Thomson).  The vote for independence by the Second Continental Congress actually took place on the 2nd of July 1776.  Most of the signers of the Declaration did so on August 2nd.  Q audibled to only go to the front of the Parthenon where we were met by a loyal Nashville police officer.  YHC’s stinky sweat got close but still managed to convince the officer      we were not a threat but completely stupid.  When we tried to EH the officer before he left he invited us to go to a gym to spar with him.  I’m game!

T-claps to Big Bang not only did my co-q have the next activity fully Q’d up great with co-q Funyuns but Big Bang had me having flashbacks to a rather large log from Grow Ruck as he helped to organize and call the lifts for team 2.

Bags returned to volleyball court.  Around a half mile total movement with bags.  released bags at 0630 to turn Q duties over to Big Bang.

Moseyed back to statue.  Big Bang explained the 1776 Devildog shown in the pic.  Buddy teamed up and started with 76 burpee but in.  Then moving back and forth 50 yards out and back with partner picking one of the 17.

Moleskin freedom was the partial railroad tie drag Big Bang pictured prior to workout.  Sandbags here were at least 60 and 80 lbs.  Farmers carry 2×30# dumbbells.

Great work staying hydrated and thanks for the bagels Robin Hood.

Big Bang rallied everyone in a circle at 0725 for the 76 burpee buy out.  Most were close to complete.

Announcements: warpath and tin can ruck on 21 July.  Note cans will not pack as tight and are mostly water (62#/ft3)  so cans will be half the weight (scaling as necessary).

COT by Funyuns.  Thanks to those that have fought for our freedom in many ways.  Prayers for Spicoli.  Get out for Team Job bbq tonight if you can!

Logging In….

Hot and humid but a little bit of rain at beginning to cool us off.  Wolverine of the current 4:13 strong class stepped up to VQ with YHC.

Pax: Wolverine co-vq, Porcelain co-q, red skull, bagger Vance, PA, casual friday(FNG), kingpin aka snoopy(lifo?), reveille, toga, skid mark, pop-a-lock, sinestro, night crawler, venom, killmonger, hot and ready, vegemite, umbrella, donuts, dilly dilly

Warmarama: Wolverine led us off with a swift mosey down and up the stairs then to the softball field.  Disclaimer administered by Porcelain.  Wolverine cycled us through good mornings, merkins, squats, and a final round of good mornings.

The thang: Wolverine took charge in setting up the first exercise by calling for everyone to buddy up.  Set up a Dora variation with partner sprints to the outfield fence and back to the dugout bench where the exercises were 100 merkins, 100 step-ups (both legs = one rep, and 100 sit-ups.

Porcelain picked up a mosey back back to the basketball courts then established a last man up Indian run out and back.  It was a setup for log training.  Broke into a short and tall groups with 4:13 pax in charge.  Demonstrated lift with tall team on the first log aka telephone pole.  The team managed to get up to hip simply enough but struggled with 10 pax to shoulder so YHC called the short team on the log as well and repeated 8 reps of shoulder to overhead as a full workout before carefully crushing but not breaking toes on the down.  Foregoing further pain on the log for safety’s sake.

YHC set up 11’s on the basketball court with 10 burpees on the far end followed by 1 jump squat on the near end and continuing OYO.  Called 11’s short around 2/3’s through to keep time for Mary as I wanted to give more of the 4:13 pax time to lead.

Mary: Around the circle for 20 reps of abs decided on and cadence called by the 4:13 pax.  Wolverine led off with sit-ups.  Peter Parker’s were called by night crawler.  We all were feeling a little fog of war at that point so all was well with Venom finishing it off with squats.

Welcome Ed aka Casual Friday that is helping out our brothers in the evenings with a support group.

A little tailgate coffeeteria was had with PA, toga, red skull, pop-a-lock, venom, Wolverine, skid mark, vegemite, umbrella, and porcelain.

Reveille on Q next week for the last stronghold workout before this class graduates to take on different jobs around town many involving construction.  Come by to give them a great send off.  If you have never been in on a Reveille workout get ready for some pain.