Bomber 6/29/18

A baker’s dozen got up and got better.

PAX: Trapper Keeper, Reveille, Hambone, Crablegs, Barthelona, EnFuego, The Baptist, Crawlspace, Porcelain, Pop-A-Lock, Princess Aurora, T-Cell

QIC: Hi-Viz

CONDITIONS: Pretty darn perfect.


Slow-N-Low Squats X 20 IC
Air Presses X 15 IC
Reverse LBAC X 15 IC
Good Mornings X 10 IC

Mosey to the driving range for Bear Crawl and Lieutenant Dans, switching at each post along the way. Plank and wait for the six.

Mosey to the stop sign and partner-up for DORA. One person runs down the hill and back up (with a three-Burpee speedbump), while their partner makes progress toward the team goal of:
-100 Hydraulic Squats (Dropped the Hydraulic part for time/knee sake)
-200 Merkins
-300 Plank Jacks

Mosey to the parking lot wall for some newly-dubbed ‘Durkin Docks.’ Complete a Durkin, walk your hands back to a pike position and complete a Carolina Dry Dock. Walk hands back and start over. One minute was enough.

BoxCutters X 10 IC / Reverse X 10 IC
Flutters X 15 IC
High Plank


-Sign-up for TN Can Ruck. 7/21. Hit up Slack or PA for details. (The patch looks killer, BTW.)
-4th of July convergence at Titan. Two-hour Co-Q. Should be a barn-burner.
-Speaking of the 4th, if you’re looking for afternoon family fun with a great purpose, check out Slack for details on the event to support St. Jude and Team #JobLikeTheBibleName.
-Hambone on deck at Stonewall in the AM.
-First Friday lunch next week.

Great work, men. SYITG.

It’s Bomber, Baby!

PAX: Hawkeye, Trapper Keeper, Princess Aurora, T-Cell, Porcelain, Preacher Man, Power Lunch, The Baptist, Famine, Dinty Moore, Vector, Bicentennial Man, Lunch Lady

QIC: Hi-Viz

CONDITIONS: 68 degrees, 125% humidity.

14 proved they piss excellence, by getting up and getting better, while paying homage to the most American of sports on NASCAR Day. And yes, apparently that’s a thing. In an effort to up his game and follow PA’s theme-based Q lead, YHC logged on to for some pre-Q research and picked NASCAR Day over HIV Vaccine Awareness Day, International Virtual Assistants Day, and National Visit Your Relatives Day as today’s inspo. You’re welcome.

Mosey up to the upper greenway entrance, which I’ve officially — as my first act as AOQ at Bomber — dubbed The Nip.


Good Mornings IC X 10
LBACs IC X 15 Forward/Reverse
Slow ‘N Low Squats IC X 20

Mosey to the upper parking lot, where it’s race day! Gentlemen, start your engines. As opposed to 400 laps, the PAX only had to run five. However, during each lap, all took a “pit stop” of 10 burpees. Plank and wait for the six.

Mosey to the driving range for some work on the straightaway.

Alternate bear crawls and lunges down the length of the range. Plank and wait for the six.

Mosey to the parking lot wall for some additional maintenance.
Dips X 10 OYO
Urkins X 10 OYO
Durkins X 10 OYO
Carolina Dry Docks X 10 OYO

YHC brought this back from a vacation visit to the PAX at F3Lowcountry in Hilton Head. All PAX assumed Six Inches. Guy at the end shuffles down the line trying to knock down the feet of each guy in line and assumes his place at the end of the line. Cycle through all PAX. It was such a #CrowdPleaser, we rinsed and repeated in reverse. Smoked.




Pray for Lunch Lady and what may be a new opportunity in Metro Schools for the coming school year.

F3 has a table at tomorrow’s Market Fest at Richland Park from 9A-2P. Stop by and hang, if you’d like. We’re hoping to recruit some new guys and keep the momentum going.

New AO launching in South Nashville on Thursday, 5/24 with 4:13 Strong, which provides job training for at-risk men. It’ll be at 1276 Foster Avenue on Thursday mornings. Try to make it, if you can.

F3 Dads will meet up in Franklin at Pinkerton Park this Sunday at 3P. Bring the 2.0s for exercise, with snacks to follow.

Hey, grab a Q slot! I’d love to see us fill up the next few weeks at Bomber, so have at it. If you want to co-Q, no big deal. We’ll find you someone! Just let me know.




A Balmy Morning At Bomber

PAX: 3rd Person, Porcelain, Ebola, Firefox, Vector, EnFuego, Pop-A-Lock (LIFO), Bad Boy, T-Cell, Princess Aurora

QIC: Hi-Viz

11 HIM ignored the siren’s song of the fartsack and were rewarded with a rare 70-degree February morning in Sylvan Park, along with burpees, bear crawl, and a fair amount (2.2+ miles by my count) of running.

Quick mosey to the pub parking.

Good Mornings X 10 IC
IW X 15 IC
Hillbillies X 15 IC


Mosey to Edley’s for People’s Chair. (Wait, is that Pop-A-Lock coming in hot? Indeed!)

Mosey to the top of the hill for 7s. Burpees at the top. Jump Squats at the bottom. The change of direction and longer run was a definite crowd pleaser.

Mosey to the Murphy Bench. One PAX runs to the roundabout for a bear crawl lap and back, while the remaining PAX perform a dealer’s-choice exercise. Burpees, Durkins, Crawl Bear, Lt. Dans, VeryBigArmCircles (VBAC???), etc. (YHC is running short on memory and time to recall all of them. Great variety, however.)

Mosey to home base for Mary. 

Hello Dollys X 20 IC
J-LOs to Finish



Good spirits and great work this morning, men. Always a pleasure to hang with you.

BOLO for details on PA’s BeerRuck coming this June. Should be a good time. Also, he’s planning a September CSAUP.

Also, check out the Slacker for 3rdF opportunities and snag one if you’re interested in Qing one of your own.


Viz out.


A Merry Westeros Christmas

THE PAX: BadBoy, Princess Aurora, T-Cell, Megatron, Butch Please, Porcelain, Crawfish

QIC: Hi-Viz

Fresh off last night’s Garth Brooks (19-hour?) concert, YHC was more than excited to spend a quality 45 minutes with seven of his ‘friends in low places.’

Quick mosey to the school’s front steps.

Good Mornings X10 OYO
Little Baby Arm Circles X15 IC
Overhead Claps X15 IC
Reverse LBAC X15 IC
Thrusters X20 IC
Chinooks X15 IC

Even though YHC heard endured Brett Micheal’s version of Jingle Bells on the way this morning, he fought to remain in a festive spirit in teeing up a take-off on ’12 Days of Christmas.’

PAX complete an exercise in a corner of the soccer field, mosey to the next for the next one, adding on until completing all 12.

1 / Partridge In A Pear Tree: Diamond Merkins
2 / Turtle Doves: Plank Jacks
3 / French Hens: American Hammers
4 / Calling Birds: Carolina Drydocks
5 / Golden Rings: Burpees
6 / Geese A’Laying: Jump Squats
7 / Swans A’Swimming: Flutter Kicks
8 / Maids A’Milking: People’s Chair
9 / Ladies Dancing: J-Los
10 / Lords A’ Leaping: Split Lunges
11 / Pipers Piping: High Knees
12 / Drummers Drumming: Shoulder-Tap Planks

Most every good song has a key change/chorus repeat at the end, so why not? Let’s double the counts for good measure.

-Freddie Mercury X25 OYO
-Plank variations for 4ish minutes.



-Had a blast with y’all this morning. Thanks for the encouragement. Seemed like everyone had a bit of fun and wound up appropriately smoked.
-Thanks to PA for being my eyes in the dark. (NOTE: 8-point handwriting on a jam-packed Post-It is nearly impossible to read. #Duh)

-BOLO for several upcoming CSAUP events, including this one on May 12th.
-New Year’s Day: 1/1/18 at 7 at The Hill with PA taking the lead. Don’t miss it. Let’s get those HCs on the books and start the new year off on the right foot.

Viz out. SYITG.

Seasons Change

PAX: Porcelain, RightSaid, Megatron, FireFox, Bad Boy, En Fuego, T-Cell, Hambone

QIC: Hi-Viz

YHC was pleasantly surprised to see nine of West Nashville’s Finest® embrace the darkest, brisk-est morning at McCabe in a minute. A good time was (hopefully) had by all.

The Thang:

Mosey and bear crawl around the park roundabout.
Mosey and crab walk around the Murphy Road roundabout.
Mosey to McCabe Pub parking lot.


  • COP (All IC)
  • SSH X20
  • IW X20
  • Hillbillies X20
  • Good Mornings X10
  • WMH X10
  • Shoulder Taps X20

Mosey to 1:00 wall sit by Edley’s, which was already smelling pretty sweet in the gloom.

Mosey to the driving range. (YHC (Internal Dialogue): WOW. IT’S DARK UP HERE. CAN WE DO THIS? HELL, YES.)

Alternate lunge with bear crawl, but rotate the bear crawl 90° every time. Plank-N-Wait.

Mosey to lower lot. Quick circuit, with a runner as the timer — to the park entrance stop sign — at the end of the line. Wait, what’s this? Cinder block coupons on a couple of these. What, what’s this again? Coupons on coupons on two more, thanks to Hambone.

  • Mountain Climbers
  • Jump Squat
  • Merkins
  • Split Lunges
  • Overhead Press
  • Slow-N-Low Squat
  • Row
  • Flutter Kicks


  • Bear Crawl Plank
  • Dixie Stampede (A Bomber Classic)
  • LBC
  • Freddie Mercuries



NM: Tclaps to everyone for sticking with Bomber as it gets a bit more uncomfortable in the gloom. Let’s keep the momentum going.  #KBA

Thanks to Hambone for offering up the rucks — and the encouragement — to add some additional, um, benefit (?) to the circuit. HIM, for sure.


Mission Accepted

QIC: Hi-Viz

PAX: Megatron, Bicentennial Man, Blue Mule, RightSaid, EnFuego, Firefox, T-Cell, Princess Aurora

CONDITIONS: Brisk and, dare I say, perfect. 55 degrees.


Quick mosey through Sylvan Park.


  • 20X SSH (Joined in progress by PA.)
  • 10X Good Mornings
  • 10X WMH
  • 15X LBAC
  • 15X LBAC (Reverse)
  • 20X Slow-N-Low Squats
  • Quick lap up the stairs, down the length of the upper parking lot and back down the hill and around to the front entrance to the community center for reference.

Time for the PAX to diffuse a bomb. Partner up for a modified DORA. Partner One runs the lap referenced above. Partner Two makes progress toward 100 of each of the following and both switch when One wraps the lap.

O-Overhead Claps
B-Bulgarian Split Squat

Bonus: Those who finished early got to choose-their-own-adventure until all- in.

Mosey to the baseball diamond for some “BJ Gaddour Bullshittery,” which is becoming a standard component of YHC’s Qs. Same partners. One holds a bear crawl plank, while the other advances to the base. Once there, Partner Two makes the trek, while Partner One holds the plank. Continue all the way around. Tougher than it seemed in YHC’s noggin’.

Mosey to the cars for Mary:

30X Flutters
20X WW2s
20X Freddy Mercurys (Mercuries?)
10X Shoulder-Tap Planks
10X J-Los



Thanks to PA for the BOMB inspiration on the Slacker. I appreciate the mere suggestion I do dangerous things in the interest of public safety, but for the record, there’s a reason the Director hasn’t given me a gun. Someday, perhaps…

Great group out there today. Let’s keep the momentum going into the Fall.


  • Stonewall at 7 Saturday at Sevier Park.
  • Cold weather F3 Nashville gear is up for sale, until October 12th. Need some minimum orders to get these printed. Get you some.

Have a good weekend.