Stonewall (aka stoneboots, aka smokewall)

10 pax came out for a fun Q and took advantage of a relative break in the summer heat, followed by some great fellowship at the coffeeteria at Portland Brew, one of my favorite parts of the week, every time I can make it.

Q: Black Lung
Pax: Skidmark, Cowboy, Hambone, Blue Mule, Brother-at-law, Tampa Libra, Bad Boy, Popalock, and Dean Spitz

Coffeteeria: Black Lung, Skidmark, Cowboy, Hambone, Blue Mule

SSH x25
Good Morning x10
Willie May Hays x 10
Squats x 40
Slow and low merkins x 10

Mosey north on 12th
Stop in Portland Brew parking lot for:
8 count bodybuilders x 20
Squats x 40
Dips x 20

Mosey north on 12th to the base of the beastly hill at the base of Ashwood Avenue for Hill Sprints/Climbs. Given the running heavy components of the last two Stonewall workouts, it is somewhere along this route that Popalock begins to propose new names for Stonewall, like stoneboots, or smokewall.

The Thang:
#) 60 seconds of AMRAP merkins, sprint up the hill, SSH x 15 and mosey back
#) 60 seconds of AMRAP LBCs, sprint up the hills, SSH x 20 and mosey back
#) 120 seconds of AMRAP squats, lunges to 2nd utility pole, bear climb to 3rd pole, SSH x 15, mosey back
#) 120 seconds of AMRAP WWI sit-ups, lunges to 2nd utility pole, bear climb to 3rd pole, burpee broad jump to 4th pole, SSH x 15, mosey back
#) 60 seconds of AMRAP flutter kicks, sprint up the hill, SSH x15, and start mosey down the hill and south on 12th

Mosey back down 12th to Sevier park with a quick stop at a parking lot halfway back for 60 seconds of AMRAP werkins;

Arrive in Sevier Park parking lot with just enough time for 10 burpees OYO, and 10 Good Mornings.

Thanks to the PAX for bearing with me on a tough, run-heavy Q with only a low level of grumbling.


PAX: CAPS LOCK, Pappa Lock, brother-in-law, Funyuns, PSL, PreVac, Grease Trap, Floppy Disk, Big Bang, Big stick,BV, umbrella, Black Lung, FNG (skidmark)

14 PAX braved the rain this morning to enjoy one last day of warm weather (60 degrees) before winter really rolls in.

Bagger was on the Co-Q to protect the group from experiencing a full VQ this AM. After a mosey to the top of the Ag Center and a quick disclaimer, Bagger responded to some mumble chatter with another lap around the Ag Center for good measure and then proceeded with WOR

Partnered up for DORA 123
Partner 1 ran the distance while partner 2 performed the exercise and then swapped, building to a cumulative number of each exercise.

1st Exercise: 100 Merkins; partner ran to 1st speedbump
2nd Exercise: 200 LBCs; partner ran half way down Ag center driveway
3rd Exercise: 300 Squat Jumps: partner ran full loop up/down hill to Ag center.

Plank until all in then . . . you guessed it

Reverse DORA123 (AROD?)

1st Exercise: 300 Frog Humpers partner ran half the hill
2nd Exercise: 200 Flutter kicks while partner ran to first speedbump
3rd Exercise: 100 Carolina Dry Docks (no running)

Mosey back to the parking lot for 6 minutes of MARY DJ style, then announcement and the naming of FNG Skidmark

Great work today,
Black Lung