Introducing “The Stronghold”

PAX: Dilly Dilly, Doughnuts, Cinderella, Life Champ, Money Shot, Cowboy, Olan Mills, Brother-at-law, Blue Mule, Grease Trap, CCR, Floppy Disk, Princess Aurora, Yard sale, Hawkeye, Funyuns, Vegemite, Toga (QIC), Bagger Vance (Jr Q)

FNGs: Red Skull, Venom, Darkseid, Sinestro, Nightcrawler, Wolverine

27 posted to open Nashville’s newest AO, The Stronghold.  It was a terrific, gloomless morning and went something like this:

Mosey to South parking lot for warmup COP: SSH, Imperial Walkers, Good Mornings, T-Ups, Flutter Kicks, Scorpion Stretches

Mosey to soccer field for Dirty McDeuce= 12 reps of ea. exercise followed by a lap around the field:

  • Evo 1: merkins, squats, WW I’s then a lap
  • Evo 2: Dry docks, jump squats, LBCs then a lap
  • Evo 3: Burpees, WW II’s, squats

Mosey to running trail, bear crawl to parking lot, platoon Lt. Dans across the lot, more bear crawls and then crawl bears.

Mosey to basketball court for Mary: flutter kicks, bicycles, leg raises, v-ups with 5 merkins and a high plank hold after each.


NMM: It really was a beautiful morning to start a new AO, meet 4:13 Strong team, and welcome some new brothers to F3.  There were strong performances all around with the PAX digging deep to finish the inaugural post.  Items of note: BV will be taking orders for the manzier, Doughnuts shorts his burpees so it looks like he’s faster than everyone else, and there’s a lot more AO to explore next week.

Stay Classy,


Get Funky!

12 PAX join in on the dance this morning at F3Nolensville including:

Numbtucks, Nimbus 2000, Creeper, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Netflix, A-bomb,  Pope, Show Me, HushPuppy,  Rag Doll (FNG), CheezWhiz (FNG) and 3rd Degree (QiC)

A beautiful start to the morning as we congregate in the morning light. 5:30? Let’s roll!

Warm up lap around the parking lot to catch any stragglers and deliver the disclaimer, then circle up for Side Straddle Hops (SSH) x15 In Cadence (IC), Claps x10 IC, Little Baby Arm Circles (LBAC) Forward with 4 counts of Big Arm Circles (BACs)  x10,  Repeat in Reverse, 10 Tempo Merkins, 10 Tempo Squats, Good Mornings On Your Own (OYO) to get our minds right.

Mosey to the Football Field, HushPuppy comes into the fray.

Explain Tabata (20 seconds maximal effort of whatever is called, followed by 10 seconds rest) Outline: Sprint, rest, Exercise, rest, back to Sprinting toward the original side of the field, etc. Rinse and Repeat as indicated with 10-15 count in-between as called by Q.

We did: SSH, Merkins, Big Boy Situps, Squats to Tabata Songs Playlist played through BT speaker carried back and forth across the field with Q.

Playlist: UpTown Funk, Back in Black, Still Dre, Smells like Teen Spirit, Rocky theme music (20 minute total of Tabata)

I was kind of upset that no merlot was yet spilled, and was determined it not be me, though I was close…

Mosey to the Swing set for Speedometer of 4 exercises. 3 PAX perform 15 Inch Worms (Feet in swing while in High Plank, draw knees to chest and back out = 1) as the speedometer, while the other 3 groups of 3 PAX each perform either Derkins (decline Merkins), Squats, or Mtn. Climbers.

All in? Good…

Now, it’s kind of my thing…Bear Crawl the long Bridge. Steel Yourself! Then Crawl Bear back across..Feel the burn! LBC or SSH for the 6.

To the Parking Lot for Circle of Trust (CoT) with countorama, nameorama, Christening of Rag Doll and CheezWhiz (FNGs) and kneel to shout out.

Announcements: F3Dads sign up deadline is approaching, get it in!

Great job EH’ing guys and for continuing to show up and work hard. Proud to be a part…3D Out!


QIC: Iditarod
PAX: Aristotle, Grohl, Scraps, Schnitzel, Ace, Noble Virus

Couple of Laps around the Courthouse with Politicians and side shuffles sprinkled in.

Good Mornings
Daisy Pickers
Sid Strattle Hops
Willie Mays Hayes
Big ole AC
Michael Phelps
Mosey to the top of the parking deck

The Thang:
Elevens-Merkins and Squats
Peoples chair for the 6
Burpees x 10
Mosey to the plaza
Merkin Stairs 5 x 10 x 15
4 Circuits-
Box Jumps & Merkins x 10
Step ups & Irkins x 10
Box Jumps & WW1s x 10
Step Ups & Derkins x 10
Mosey to new court house
Merkin Stairs 5x10x15x10
Dips & Diamond Merkins x10
Merkin Stairs 10x15x10x5
Mosey Back to Square

Flutter Kix


2018 Ironclad Challenge


Summer in all its fun, humid glory is right around the corner, and with it come all sorts of distractions and challenges like vacations, heat, lake days, and more that will threaten to keep us from accelerating our lives on a daily basis.  As my brothers in the Nashville PAX, I want to ensure we hold each other accountable and continue to engage in the mission of invigorating male community leadership in Nashville and beyond. With that, I’d like to introduce to you the 2018 Ironclad Challenge.

Should you accept the challenge, you will actively participate in the three F’s of Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith by completing the following from June 1, 2018 – August 31, 2018:

 1st F – The Magnet – Improve your Fitness

  • Post 40 times (avg. 3/week)
  • Post five times at AOs you don’t normally attend (vacation AOs count!)
  • Q three times (once/month)

2nd F – The Glue – Strengthen your Fellowship

  • Attend at least three 2nd F events
  • Attend three coffeeterias (or stick around in the case of tailgate coffeeteria)
  • Bring one FNG

3rd F – The Dynamite - Make an Impact

  • Participate in two 3rd F opportunities. This can be a study of religious text, community service (*cough* BrewRuck *cough*), or some other opportunity that involves thinking outside of your own interests.
  • Read one book on leadership (>200 pages)

Additionally, you must complete one CSAUP in the 13-week period (*cough* BrewRuck *cough*). This can be a 5K, triathlon, Spartan race, GORUCK challenge, Warpath, etc. No, the Ironclad doesn’t count.


For successful completion of all requirements of the 2018 Ironclad Challenge, you will receive an IRONCLAD patch and the satisfaction of knowing you’ve made an impact in your community and overcome the lure of summertime laziness. Additionally, all those deemed “Ironclad” will have earned the opportunity to purchase a custom IRONCLAD tee to show off at your next workout.


Fill out this form and submit your $5 registration fee* to @gregory-fenske on Venmo (preferred) or [email protected] on PayPal. If you must use cash, give it to your Site Q or me. Deadline to register is 6/8/2018.

*Entry fees cover patch costs and are non-refundable, but should you fail to complete the challenge, the money will go into a general F3 Nashville fund to be used for more fun events.


  • F3 Nashville’s Weasel Shaker, T-Cell, will be tracking 1st and 2nd F participation with the help of 1st F and 2nd F Qs, Bagger Vance and Foggy Pirate. 3rd F will not be formally tracked and will be on the honor system, but please reach out to me on Slack to let me know what you’ve done as I’m genuinely interested.
  • Participation in regularly scheduled workouts will be tracked through backblasts. If you Q a workout, it is your responsibility to post a backblast, ideally within 24 hours. Failure to do so will most certainly draw the ire of the PAX and public shaming. If you need access to post, contact our COMZ Q, Hambone.
    • If you organize a Black Ops workout, Ruck opportunity, etc., that is not regularly scheduled, you are responsible for posting a backblast on the website with the PAX list to ensure everyone receives credit.
    • Rucking or running before a regular workout should be considered as one post for tracking purposes.
  • 2nd F will be handled with a list of PAX in attendance submitted to Foggy Pirate and me via Slack. A backblast is optional, but photo evidence is encouraged!
  • If you have questions, please direct them to me, and I will do my best to answer them.

Looking forward to an impactful summer with you all!

PA out.

Love Is In The Air

Still emotional and on a high from the Royal Wedding, YHC decided to take the Pax up as high as he was for a trip to Love Circle.

Conditions were PERFECT for the 13 pax in attendance.

QIC: T-Cell PAX: Princess Aurora, Bad Boy, Trapper Keeper, Hawkeye, En Fuego, The Baptist, Porcelain, Right Said Fred, The Jeweler, High-Viz, Blue Mule, Reveille.

Mosey to tennis court to get this crew stretched out. Good Morning Apocalypse to start out, followed by WMH, SSH, Squats, and some little, tiny baby arm circles to wrap. We had a long journey ahead of us, so we took off from there.

After a LONG mosey to the top of Love circle and a moment to reflect on the beauty of a sunrise from the best view in Nashville, we paid some homage to the Royal Family. First up was King Phillip, in which we did 96 (his age) SSH’s and then made a loop round LC. Next up was the Queen (92) crunches and then a loop. Finally, we gave Prince Charles (69, his age!) due with some Monkey Humpers. A nod to not only his rumored past, but his somewhat monkeyish appearance. These were brutal.

From there we made the long mosey back via West End. All in all, we covered about 3 miles and were feeling every bit of it when we rolled back into Westeros.

Finished with a bit of Mary – Flutters and Freddie Mercury to finish.


  1. Great showing on Saturday at Sylvan Park fest. Probably good to do a few more of these, just need some better signage, etc.
  2. 4:13 kick-off on Thursday. Come out and support these guys!
  3. Stay tuned for a new AO on Tuesday’s led by En Fuego and Foggy Pirate
  4. Prayers for Jeweler’s mom who is sick
  5. Forgot to mention, but NO WESTEROS next week. Memorial Day Convergence at Concord Park.



Teenage Angst at Detention

PAX – 20

Frogger, CCR, BV, Dupree, PSL, Edible Arrangements, Olan Mills, Accounts Receivable, Spider Bite, Donuts, Ludwig, Yard Sale, Black Widow, Hollow Back Girl (this name has really, really grown on me), Reefer, Brother at Law (QIC), Vegemite, Umbrella, Dilly Dilly, Offshore.

A nice round 20 posted at Detention this morning for some Teen Angst with yours truly.  It was balmy and the COT smelled like garbage.  See the end of this BB for some good cross-generational Teen Angst jams.  Great work.


Quick mosey around the big bus loop with some lunges incorporated.

SSH x20

Good Mornings x10

WMH x10

Runners lunge with LBAC x15

Oppo leg runners lunge with RLBAC x15


Count off to 4.  Odds and evens split up on the parking lines head to toe in plank.  Last man burpee broad jumps to the front for a planking Swedish Mile.  Side planks called out on occasion to work on obliques for beach bod season.

Mosey down to Pavilion.  Evens grab coupons on the way down.

4 Corners:

Rotating exercises at the four corners of the Pavilion.  When the Burpee group finishes we all rotate to the next.

Corner 1: 15 Burpees

Corner 2: AMRAP squat and press with coupon

Corner 3: AMRAP Plank jacks

Corner 4: AMRAP coupon swings

Rinse and repeat.  Then gather at the line for 2 sets of suicides.

Back to your respective corners.

Corner 1: 15 Burpees

Corner 2: AMRAP bench jumps

Corner 3: AMRAP Peter Parkers (merkins round one, no merkins round two)

Corner 4: AMRAP coupon squat and press

Rinse and repeat.

Sevens in the Pavilion with jump squats and Carolina dry docks.

Mosey to the upper lot for Mary, returning the coupons along the way.


LBC x25

Shoulder taps x20

Flutter kicks x20

Plank for one minute with some side plank mixed in

Good Mornings x10


Always an honor to Q, thanks for showing up and kicking ass to start the week off right.

4:13 Strong kicks off this Thursday.  Super cool mission and great that we get to be a part of it.  I will be there on Thursday and hope to see as many of you as possible.  Check Slack for details throughout the week.

Prayers for Spiccoli, Olan Mills’ dad, and El Maestro.

Angst if you’re into that kind of thing:

Japandroids: Younger Us (“Remember that night you were already in bed,
Said “fuck it” got up to drink with me instead!”  What a line!  Shout out to Vegemite for screaming “Japandroids!” during Sevens)

The Strokes – Reptilia (Room on Fire doesn’t get enough love, arguable better than Is This It)

Husker Du – Don’t Want to Know if You Are Lonely (Angsty AF)

Diarrhea Planet – Separations (Shout out to Nashville / Belmont U punk rock)

The Replacements – Alex Chilton (Certainly not their most punk song, but BV’s “Oh I didn’t realize Paul Westerberg was punk” wisecrack was a really bad way to start the week)

Wolf Parade – I’ll Believe in Anything

Guided by Voices – I Am a Tree (Saw them at Basement East on Saturday.  They’re old and good)

Agility Day, aka. ACL PT

PAX: Cowboy, Preacher Man, Big Stick, Hustler, Conga Line (FNG), Life Champ, Money Shot, Foxtrot TAL, Toga (QIC)

9 strong posted for a some soggy fun on the fields of glory.  It went something like this:

Mosey lap to field for warmup COP: SSH, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Good Mornings, Russian Soldiers, Scorpion Stretch

Mosey to soccer field for sports day:

Evo 1: quick feet in and out of cone course, plank till the six is done, merkins and repeato x6

Evo 2: side-to-side steps in and out of cones, hold table till the six is done, dry docks and repeato x6

Evo 3: 10 yd bear crawl, mosey to back of line and repeato x3

Evo 4: Shrimp/hip-outs 10 yds, mosey back and repeato x3

Evo 5: wrestler sit-outs 10 yds, mosey back and repeato x3

Evo 6: 10 Richard Kimbles OYO

Circle up for Mary: 20 reps of sit-ups, flutter kicks, rosalitas, and crunchy frogs with merkins and plank hold after each.  Finish with a full round of Jane Fondas.

NMM: Special welcome to Conga Line who picked a different’ish F3 workout for his first.  They’re all different, but  this one may have been more than the usual strange.  This may have been the first introduction of the Richard Kimble to F3 Nashville.  Look for it at a Toga Q coming to your AO in the near future.  On the lighter side of things, one would think that Big Stick would be good at agility drills.  Add one to your workouts and see things for yourself.  Also, if you plan to use cones, make sure to keep big spaces as Foxtrot’s giant skis man it hard for him not to knock them all over.

Stay Classy,


Anniversary Q

PAX: Bagger Vance, CAPS LOCK, Umbrella, Black Widow, Offshore, Cinderella, Olan Mills (QIC)

Still adjusting to being able to see everyone’s face at the beginning of the workout.

Dislclamer along with explanation that today is going to be a reproduction of my first ever post where I was quite certain afterwards that I would not make it to work that day.

Get things going with an Indian Run up Maryland Way to Franklin Rd and around the corner to Del Frisco’s parking lot. Friendly narration along the way reliving my inner dialog from that initial post.

Cirlce up for some:

  • SSH x10
  • Willie Mays Hays x10
  • Good Mornings x10
  • BAC x10
  • Reverse x10


Our obstacle: Stairs between garage and Holler and Dash.

Start with 5 merkins and 20 squats. Make your way to the top of the stairs stopping at each break in the steps for 5 merkins. At the top, 5 more merkins and 19 squats. Turn around making your way back down with the same merkin stops along the way. Rinse and repeat down to 1 squat.

For anyone that’s counting, that’s about 210 squats and 405 merkins.

Mosey back to the the parking lot.


  • Flutter kick x30
  • WWI x15
  • American Hammer x15
  • Good Mornings x10
  • Hi-Lo x10 (high plank J-Lo’s)
  • High Plank 1 min

Prayers out to Jigsaw and Spicoli.

It’s Bomber, Baby!

PAX: Hawkeye, Trapper Keeper, Princess Aurora, T-Cell, Porcelain, Preacher Man, Power Lunch, The Baptist, Famine, Dinty Moore, Vector, Bicentennial Man, Lunch Lady

QIC: Hi-Viz

CONDITIONS: 68 degrees, 125% humidity.

14 proved they piss excellence, by getting up and getting better, while paying homage to the most American of sports on NASCAR Day. And yes, apparently that’s a thing. In an effort to up his game and follow PA’s theme-based Q lead, YHC logged on to for some pre-Q research and picked NASCAR Day over HIV Vaccine Awareness Day, International Virtual Assistants Day, and National Visit Your Relatives Day as today’s inspo. You’re welcome.

Mosey up to the upper greenway entrance, which I’ve officially — as my first act as AOQ at Bomber — dubbed The Nip.


Good Mornings IC X 10
LBACs IC X 15 Forward/Reverse
Slow ‘N Low Squats IC X 20

Mosey to the upper parking lot, where it’s race day! Gentlemen, start your engines. As opposed to 400 laps, the PAX only had to run five. However, during each lap, all took a “pit stop” of 10 burpees. Plank and wait for the six.

Mosey to the driving range for some work on the straightaway.

Alternate bear crawls and lunges down the length of the range. Plank and wait for the six.

Mosey to the parking lot wall for some additional maintenance.
Dips X 10 OYO
Urkins X 10 OYO
Durkins X 10 OYO
Carolina Dry Docks X 10 OYO

YHC brought this back from a vacation visit to the PAX at F3Lowcountry in Hilton Head. All PAX assumed Six Inches. Guy at the end shuffles down the line trying to knock down the feet of each guy in line and assumes his place at the end of the line. Cycle through all PAX. It was such a #CrowdPleaser, we rinsed and repeated in reverse. Smoked.




Pray for Lunch Lady and what may be a new opportunity in Metro Schools for the coming school year.

F3 has a table at tomorrow’s Market Fest at Richland Park from 9A-2P. Stop by and hang, if you’d like. We’re hoping to recruit some new guys and keep the momentum going.

New AO launching in South Nashville on Thursday, 5/24 with 4:13 Strong, which provides job training for at-risk men. It’ll be at 1276 Foster Avenue on Thursday mornings. Try to make it, if you can.

F3 Dads will meet up in Franklin at Pinkerton Park this Sunday at 3P. Bring the 2.0s for exercise, with snacks to follow.

Hey, grab a Q slot! I’d love to see us fill up the next few weeks at Bomber, so have at it. If you want to co-Q, no big deal. We’ll find you someone! Just let me know.




Bricks n’stuff

PAX: Numbers, Drifter, Black Widow, Umbrella, Reefer, Olan Mills, Skid Mark, Swamp Fox, Prevac, Brother-at-Law, Blue Mule, CAPS LOCK, Vegemite, Calfkiller, PSL, Bagger Vance, Life Champ, Black Lung, CCR, Yard Sale, 3rd Degree, Cinderella, Frugal Macdoogal, Ludwig von Oshkosh, Accounts Receivable, Edible Arrangements, Dr. Smartt, Frogger, Dupree, Hollaback Girl, Floppy Disk

QIC: Floppy Disk

A healthy 31 posted at CH this morning. Temperature was a pleasant 68 degrees with 100% mug in the air. Together we performed the only burpees of the day at the strike of 5:30.. 2 burpees OYO. Warmup mosey included the bus loop and picking up Black Lung who, true to form, was strolling in late. He tucked in, we hit the hill, then convened in the parking lot to get warmed up.

Disclaimer (including bit about being covered in poison ivy… good times)

WoR (all IC)
Goofballs x15
SSH x15
BAC F x15
BAC R x15
Slow ‘n Low Merks x15
Air Press x15
Good Mornings x10
Willie Mays x10

Count off total group number to see if YHC had enough bricks. I was 2 short due to the CH group not being this big in a while. C’est la vie. Count off again, this time 1,2 to see who your pardsy is. Each group grab two bricks from YHCs truck.

Partner 1 does work while Partner 2 runs the small front loop, then flapjack. Each exercise must be executed 60x reps (each arm for individual arm exercises) by each PAX. Exercises were as follows:

Bicep Curls
Upright Rows
KB swings
Air Press

Any groups that finished early were instructed to start the rotation again with 20x reps of each exercise. Return the bricks to YHCs truck and mosey to the playground. Partner 1 does 30x rows while Partner 2 performs amrap pullups on the bar of their choice, flapjack, then RnR 1x. Mosey back to the parking lot for a quick…

SnL Merks x20
Low Plank 45 sec
Good Mornings x10 (IC)

Continue praying for Spicoli and his family. Continue to pray for other PAX and families that are dealing with sickness and injuries.

4:13 Strong kicks off next Thursday. This will be in lieu of the Hill that day. Check Slack for deets. F3 Dads will meet at Pinkerton Park in Franklin this Sunday at 3pm. Bring the kiddos for a little exercise and lots of fun. Snacks to follow.

See you boys in the gloom.

Floppy D