Stonewall – 01/20/18 – “Breaking Bad”

QIC: Princess Aurora

The PAX: Bagger Vance, Deep Dish, The Jeweler, Pop-a-Lock, Bad Boy, T-Cell, Too Tall, Spider Bite, Black Lung, Woodshack (KNOX), Edible Arrangement, Cowboy, Hambone, Crawfish, Mickey Mouse, Vegemite, Razor aka Venus

2 for Pre-Hustle and 6? for Pre-Ruck this morning. YHC clocked a brisk 4 with The Jeweler and enjoyed some good 2nd F along the way. Hambone led the ruck contingent, but was apparently so in the zone that he forgot to get back for 0700 with his crew.

Starting with the rest, mosey over to the handiramp for some Bear Crawls. Air Chair for the six and then mosey back to the lot to gather the ruckers and get on with the COP. All IC:

  • SSH
  • SnL Squats
  • Overhead Press
  • LBAC F
  • LBAC R

Today marks 10 years since perhaps the greatest television show ever, Breaking Bad, premiered on AMC. Naturally, I chose this as my theme for today’s workout. Exploring themes of each season, the PAX would experience Walter White’s decay physically. Each PAX grabbed a partner – a Jesse to their Walt – and got to work making the finest meth in Nashville. SPOILERS AHEAD.

Season 1 – “Darkness” – Walt begins to break bad

A modified Colonel Trautman:

Starting in the lot, P1 performs AMRAP Merkins while P2 runs over bridge to jungle gym and performs 5 Pull-Ups. Flapjack until time is called. 8′ and a short mosey to the community center parking lot later, it was time for

Season 2 – “Cause and effect” – Jesse meets Jane and causes a rift between him and Walt. Women, am I right?

DORA 1-2-3. YHC called time and had partners work together to close out reps sans running.

Mosey over to the tennis courts for

Season 3 – “Acceptance” – Walt begins to accept that he sucks. And so does this Q.

Suicides across the courts while your partner holds Tabletop.

Sucking wind, we mosey over to the soccer field for

Season 4 – “Loyalty” – There are many people at odds with each other, but Walt still craves Jesse’s loyalty. Also, this seasons ends with a bang, so

Partner B.O.M.B.S.:

Burpees x 25, Overhead Clap x 50, Merks x 75, BBS x 100, Squats x 125. P1 backpedals to halfway point and resumes normal run to far soccer goal. Repeats backpedal/normal to starting point where P2 has been repping out the above exercises. Flapjack. RnR until all rep counts are met.

Mosey over to the bottom of Sunnyside Hill for

Season 5 – “Rise and fall” – Walt has cleared out the competition and had a meteoric rise, but it all comes crashing down as he has alienated so many from his life.

At this point, all PAX are on their own. Run the hill to flagpole and back. AMRAP until time.

YHC managed to make 11 trips, representing the $11 million that Walt left to his family.

Mosey back to the lot for COT/BOM


This workout was actually a lot of fun in spite of all the non-fun. Does that make sense? We covered over 3 miles while managing to do at least 200 reps of plenty of exercises. Sadly, no merlot was splashed. You’re all just too fit!


F3 Dads Camp is coming this summer. Get with BV on the deets.

PA out.

Bomber – 01/19/18 – “Poe”

QIC: Princess Aurora

The PAX: Firefox, Bad Boy, T-Cell, Hi-Viz, En Fuego (LIFO), Bicentennial Man, Megatron, Vector, Porcelain

10 PAX hit up Bomber to help welcome the “warmth” back to Nashville.

The Thang:

Mosey up to and around the upper parking lot and back down to the playground for the COP. All exercises IC:

  • SSH
  • Squats
  • LBAC F
  • Chinooks
  • LBAC R
  • Merkins
  • Mountain Climbers

En Fuego coming in fuego after seeing blue lights this morning. Apparently they don’t put stop signs where you expect them these days. Thankfully, he dropped the F3 bomb on the officer, and she let him pass with a warning.

Mosey back over to the cars and to the bottom of the drive to explain the leg blaster circuit we were to perform. 20 Squats, 20 Lunges (10 ea), 20 Jump Lunges (10 ea), and 20 Jump Squats. Bernie Sanders up to the stop sign. 20 Clerkins. Run back and plank for six. Repeat for three more rounds, dropping reps by 5 each time to end with a Quarter Leg Blaster and 5 Clerkins.

Line up single file for a Prisoner Indian Run. Like a regular IR but with your hands laced behind your head the ENTIRE time. This sucked, but we managed. Normal IR back to the start point and hit the sidewalk for some Mary. Given that it was Edgar Allen Poe’s birthday, I already had the PAX mumbling “nevermore,” but we paid one last tribute with the following exercises IC:

  • Reverse Crunch x 30
  • American Hammer x 20
  • V-Ups x 15
  • E2K x 15 ea
  • Newton’s Cradle x 20



I think double digits are the new standard at Bomber, and soon, it’s only going to get warmer. Guess we gotta get through February, though. Glad to see Vector so regularly now as well.


Many events on the calendar. GoRuck Bataan, Rock’n’Roll Marathon, GoRuck Constellation, and many more. Look for the resurrection of the Nashville CSAUP come June. I mean it.

PA out.


Westeros – 01/15/18 – “Half Blaster”

QIC: Princess Aurora

The PAX: Right Said, Crawfish, Porcelain

4 PAX got their Monday holiday off to a warm start at Westeros.

The Thang:

Long mosey over to the grassy area outside the gym, avoiding black ice along the way. COP, all IC (memory is a little foggy on these):

  • SSH
  • Lunges
  • LBAC F/R
  • Air Presses
  • Squats

Porcelain joins us just in time to wrap up the squats, and then we mosey over to the tennis court for some real fun. 6 rounds of 6 Burpees followed by 6 shuttle sprints to far court (each way is one rep).

Sufficiently warm, we mosey over to the playground to introduce the leg blaster, or half of it anyway. 10 Squats, 10 Lunges (5 ea), 10 Jump Lunges (5 ea), and 10 Jump Squats. Follow that up with 10 pull-ups and repeat, subtracting 2 pull-ups each round. YHC shocked the world when instead of 2 pull-ups for the last round, we upped it back to 10.

All wrapped with our back work, mosey over to find a good spot for Dora 1-2-3.  This was standard issue Dora with one exception: at the halfway point up and down the sidewalk, the runner had to do 5 Jump Squats.

Time was up somewhere in the middle of the last 50 reps for everybody, so we headed back to the launch point for COT/BOM.


Great to have Right Said back in the mix. I know we might have had a few more numbers if not for the 5K4MLK, but I’m not going to complain.


F3 Nashville PAX Lookout! placed second in the race according to T-Cell. Safe to say he could’ve gotten first if he was more consistent with posting. Come back out if you’re reading this!

PA out.

Snow Covered Hills

When: 1/19/2018

QIC: Grisham

The PAX: 19 men decided to role out of bed and get after it Friday morning.

At 21 degrees, it was a little chilly at the beginning, but after the warm-up started, the weather was perfect.

Warm Up:

  • Mosey around the circle
  • Shoulder circuit to warm up
  • Grinder PT (SSH, Deep Squats, Lunges, Dive Bombers, Supermans, sit ups, pushups, Carolina dry dockers, etc.


Part I – Strength Work:


  • 3 X 10 Hand Stand Pushups / Alternating w/ 20 V-ups
  • Grab a coupon. Partner up.  1 warm up, 3 work sets Row X 10 /alternating with clapping ‘Mericans .

Part II – Metcon:

  • 11’s  – Pull ups and snowy reverse burpbees at the bottom of the hill.
  • Mosey to parking lot & circle up
    • 15’Mericans
    • 15 situps


Really great to see everyone out this morning. Have a great weekend!

Winter Wonderland

QIC: Yosef
PAX: Aristotle, Iditarod, Papa Juan, Schnitzel
Weather 5 degrees F, Wind: 0.

T-claps to pax for posting despite brutal cold and icy/snow conditions.

Warm up lap
Side straddle hops x15
Extra slow good mornings x10
Willie Mays Hayes x12
Lt. Dan’s from one curb to the next, approx. 10 yards.

To keep Pax warm and dry, we went on a Mosey tour of Gateway Island and that which surrounds it.
1st Stop: The Island. Partner up and one stays and does dips on the planter, while the other partner runs to the first building and drops 10 Merkins. Runs back. Switch. Then partner runs to gazebo and drops 20 Merkins, runs back, switch. A good little triceps toaster, and kept the hands dry.
2nd stop: The Crossroads. MC ensued regarding Bone Thugs. We had no harmony. Crossroads had a particularly dry patch, so 25 squats, 50 LBC’s, 20 Russian twists (or American Hammers), 15 burpees.
3rd stop: The playground. WWI sit-ups on the picnic tables while PAX takes turns doing AMRAP pullups on the monkey bars.
4th stop: The Crossroads. Short on time, so 25 side straddle hops and depart.
5th stop: Finish, CoT and BoM.

Bullhorn: Temps should warm to above freezing for next week, so don’t be a sad clown. Put on your discipline britches and mosey on down to the Square for a workout.

Mr. Roboto’s VQ

PAX: Schnitzel, Aristotle, Yosef, Iditarod, Mr. Roboto (QIC)

Mosey for a while then circle up for warm ups. Then the partner routine which included one partner running two laps around the square while the other started 50 Burpees, 100 overhand claps, 150 Merkins, and 200 squats alternating til all reps complete. Then we did 11’s. 10 squats 1 burpee, 9 squats 2 burpees…etc while lunges in between each exercise from curb to curb. Ended with around the world with your favorite exercise for the last 5 minutes or so.


Bullhorn: Join Iditarod for the special kids 5k/15k if you want to give a race a whirl.

Dentention DREAM

PAX: Floppy disk, Vegemite, Pop-a-lock, CCR, Donuts, Grisham, Numb Tucks (boomer sooner), Too Tall, Dr. Smartt, T-Swiss, braveheart, Olan Mills, Due Process, Barney fifel, Offshore, Psl, Pre-vac, Pope, Black widow, Ludwig von Oshkosh

QIC: Dupree

As today is the day we remember the life of MLK Jr., Q thought that it would be befitting to workout the DREAM.  Dr. King gave America a great vision of judging people on the content on of their character rather than the color of their skin.  Today we honor that dream and of course judge you on the content  of your burpees.


Mosey around the bus loop back to the parking lot.  Disclaimer

SSH Xs 20

WMH xs 20

Good mornings xs 15

Baby Arm Circles xs 10

Reverse xs 10

Slow and low squats xs 10

merkins in cadence xs 10


Mosey back down to the bus loop.  Dr. King came to prominence with the Montgomery bus boycotts.  So today we work the bus line.

D – Derkins xs 25 after bear crawl up the hill

R – Robot squats xs 25 after lunge up the hill (some thought these were called hydraulic squats, but Q disagreed and needed an R)

E – Elevens up the hill.  Bottom of hill burpees into a lunge (Blunge?  Blurpee?).  Top of the hill Mountain Merkins (Q’s favorite King speech is the mountain top speech).

A – Atomic Merkins xs 20 – after broad jump up hill

M – Merkins xs 25 – quick run up the hill

Mosey back to parking lot for Mary.


Flutter Kicks – xs 45 in cadence


Hello Dolly

End with some good mornings.


Q has been talking with Bagger and other PAX about expanding F3 Serve.  This would be part of the 3rd F.  What we are wanting to do is take the F3 workout philosophy to F3 serve.  Once a month one of us would Q a service project for the guys to get involved with.  In November we did Room in the Inn.  December Numb Tucks led out with the backpacks for foster kids.  This is an opportunity for you to step up and we learn about the issues and people you care about.

Mole Skin:

CCR approached me about Qing today, and it hit me that it would be MLK Day.  His life is an inspiring one.  The philosophy of overcoming hate with creative love is a legacy and a challenge that endures to this day.  Because of MLK we have come a long way as a country in racial relations.  We still have a long way to go.  Let’s continue to be men of character and live out MLK’s dream.




Lucky 7s

PAX: T-Cell, Princess Aurora, Vector, Bicentennial Man, Crawfish, High Viz, Porcelain, Ebola

QIC: En Fuego

9 PAX braved the wintry mix / Ice Storm / Snow Day elements and allowed YHC to get his Bomber VQ on.   Quick mosey through the streets of Sylvan Park followed by COP – SSH (7x); WMH (7x); Good Mornings (7x) and Scorpion Stretch (7x).  YHC mentions that not only does the week mark his 7-month F3 birthday, but that since it’s the start of the year why not get our luck right out of the gate by playing (and dominating) a good ol game of Lucky 7s.  Instead of caravaning to Tunica, however, we bring Tunica to Bomber.

The Thang:

First round of 7s at the hill from base of parking lot to stop sign at top.  Backwards run up the hill; double-up with burpees at top and bottom

Second round of 7s we head to the stairs; urkins at the top, derkins at the bottom

Third and final round of 7s we head to parking lot and bring out dealer’s choice.  PAX can choose between bear crawl, crawl bear, duck walk, crab walk or broad jump each time down and back; jump squats await at one end; iron mike’s at the other

5 minutes to go we head to the playground and partner up.  Round 1: Partner 1 performs 10 pull ups while Partner 2 does AMRAP of WWIs.  Flapjack to complete round.  Round 2: Repeat pull ups, replace WW1s with flutter kicks.  Round 3: Repeat pull ups, replace flutter kicks with American Hammers.

COT and closed it out in prayer.  Off to some coffeeteria.

Strong work by each of the PAX getting Snow Day started right – thankful for and appreciative of the opportunity to lead and work alongside each of you.

Failure is Imminent

QIC: Yosef
PAX: Scraps, Iditarod, NPR, Aristotle, Schnitzel (Irish Goodbye)

PAX posted for unseasonably warm temperatures in the high 50’s for a heater.

WAR: Warm up lap, 10x side straddle hops, x11 good mornings, x11 willie mays hayes, x10 big arm circles forward, x10 reverse, x10 imperial walkers, x10 hillbillies.

The Thang

Focus for today was muscle failure. QIC wanted to ensure no one, including himself, felt perfect.

Bill Withers’ “Lovely Day,” plank the song, Merkins on Lovely Day mentions, which are many.

Ran around Gateway Island, stopping twice to pitstop for some LBC’s (x30), Burpees, WWI’s, and Merkins (all x15)

Returned to meeting area and completed 400m repeats, for time. PAX must complete lap within 75 seconds, or 1min, 15 secs. Failure to do so results in group repeat. Repeat 6x. Scraps agreed to be the standard by which we were judged, and he did not disappoint. No repeats were necessary. Schnitzel said his Irish Goodbye’s after lap 3.

Finished with an old punishment Yosef’s pops liked, hold arms at a 90 degree angle (straight out) for 5 minutes without rest. Failure results in punishment. Success results in strong shoulders and upper back, but there is much pain in between. MC was high to distract from the undertaking, and we learned much about parenting styles from Scraps and Iditarod.

COT and BoM. Reminded PAX that perfection is impossible, and makes Christ’s sacrifice for us pointless. But that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t try to exemplify Christ to those around us.

Bullhorn: Despite high temps, many fartsackers. Don’t be a sad clown, come get in shape. Sign up to lead a Q if you haven’t in a while.

Tua T.’s 30 for 30

PAX: Iditarod, Yosef, Scraps, Nuggets McPatty, NPR, Aristotle, Papa Juan, and Dolly
About 36 degrees this am first above freezing workout of the year. YHC stayed up way too late last night watching the Tide Roll. This am doing a 30 for 30 exercise. As there is sure to be a ESPN 30 for 30 made at some point featuring Tua Tagovailoa after what he did the night before. Here is how it went down.

GMs x 17 IC
WMHs x 17 IC
BACF x 17 IC

The Thang
1. Merkins x 30
2. Burpees x 30
3. Squats x 30
4. WWi’s x 30
5. Dips x 30
6. Carolina Dry Dock x 30 Then lap around courthouse
7. Lt. Dans x 30
8. WWII’s x 30
9. Squat Jumps x 30
10. Alternating shoulder taps x 30
11. LBC’s x 30
12. Broad Jumps x 30 Then lap around courthouse
13. HR Merkins x 30
14. Y-Raises x 30
15. Reverse Crunches x 30
16. SSH’s x 30
17. Plank Jacks x 30
18. Freddy Mercuries x 30 Then lap around Courthouse
19. MTn. Climbers x 30
20. Nolan Ryans x 30
21. Monkey Humpers x 30
22. Thrusters x 30
23. Side Lunges x 30
24. High knees x 30
25. Hello Dollies x 30
26. Flutter Kicks x 30
27. Rosalita x 30
28. American Hammers x 30
29. Dead Bugs x 30
30. Crunchy Frogs x 30
All while enjoying an Alabama tribute play list consisting of Dixieland Delight by Alabama, Sweet home Alabama by Lynyrd Skynrd, Song of the South by Alabama, Tuscaloosa 1962 by Donnie Fritts.

COT-Prayer for men and reflections on facing adversity and having community around you after watching game last night and reading in the psalms in AM

Much MC about the political awareness/correctness of YHC’s playlist and relevancy in 80s versus Twentyteens. Great work by PAX pushing through. A Dolly splash of merlot post COT. Welcome back.