Partners, Coupons and Whatnot

PAX: Prevac, Yard Sale, CAPS LOCK, Tinder, Dupree, Brother-at-Law, Black Widow, A Fib, Captain Flatline, Ludwig von Oshkosh, Vegemite, PSL, Big Stick, Reefer, Tiny Dancer, Swamp Fox, Accounts Receivable, Floppy Disk

QIC: Floppy Disk

Cooler than normal temps for this week met the 18 that posted at CH this morning, dutifully taking their red pill. Big Stick Q was originally on the menu, but he phoned in a favor last night so YHC picked up the reigns. We commenced with the obligatory bus hill warmup mosey discussing 20 year reunions and Canada. Circle up in the parking lot for some COP.

WoR (all IC)
SSH x20
Imperial Walkers x15
High Knees x10
Butt Kickers x10
Guten Morgens x10
Willie Mays x10
BACs F x10
BACs R x10
Air Press x10
Squats x10

Partner up and send one pardsy to pick up a landscaping coupon. Meet back up at the incredibly necessary sidewalk rails for some coupon rows and merks. 3 sets of:

15x weighted rows while partner holds legs
15x weighted merks

Grab those coupons and head to the pavilion. Partner 1 does amrap block exercise while partner 2 does some playground work with merkin variation. Flapjack. 3 total sets.

Block Exercises: Thrusters (with bicep curls), KB swings, Dead lifts
Playground Exercises: 10x Pullups, 15x Diamonds/Swerkins/Atomics, 30x bench dips (or 15x bar dips)

Return the blocks and head back to the parking lot. Partner 1 runs the front loop while Partner 2 does amrap Burpees. Flapjack. 2 rounds of Burpees then 1 round of Squats.

20x Flutter Kix (IC)
20x Freddie Mercuries (IC)
10x WW1s (OYO)

2nd/3rd F tomorrow, 6/23, at Crievewood Baptist hosted by our own Dupree. 4pm. Bring yo kids and yo wife. Don’t hide them. Continue to lift up our brothers Spicoli and El Maestro.

Floppy Disk